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Company Compliance & Accreditations

Boston Limited is committed to ensuring compliance and conformance with legislative, regulatory and customer requirements throughout the Organisation. This enables us to continually improve the products and services we provide, and strive towards corporate and environmental responsibility. Below details our accredited Management Systems and compliance information.


Boston Limited strives to consistently exceed customer expectations by providing products, services and information of the highest quality. Our commitment to continual improvement is reflected in the implementation and maintenance of a Quality Management System that has been developed in accordance with the ISO 9001 requirements. Boston Limited has been accredited in ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems since October 2016, and achieved UKAS accreditation in November 2017. [Click to enlarge certificate]

Alcumus Boston Certificate ISO 9001:2015



All of the team at Boston Limited recognise the importance of managing the day to day impact our operations have on the environment and promoting the principles of sustainability in all of our activities. Our Environmental Management System was established in line with the ISO 14001 standard, and stands at the core of our business. Boston Limited achieved UKAS accreditation for 14001:2015 in November 2017. [Click to enlarge certificate]

Alcumus Boston Certificate ISO 14001:2015


Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment

WEEE Registration Number: WEE/CC0749YY

The EU Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive requires all Member EU countries to maximise the separate collection, reuse and recycling of WEEE. The UK WEEE Regulations (derived from this Directive) applies to all Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) placed on the market in the UK covered by the scope of these Regulations.

As a Producer under the UK WEEE Regulations, Boston Limited complies with its Producer Obligations by being registered as a Member of the WeeeCare Compliance Scheme and obtaining the WEEE Producer Registration Number – WEE/CC0749YY

Under the UK WEEE Regulations, “Producers” are required to mark all relevant EEE with a “crossed-out wheelie bin” symbol to remind consumers not to discard WEEE in the domestic waste stream. Boston Limited encourages all of its customers to make note of this symbol and avoid putting any WEEE in your domestic waste bin(s) or container(s).


Wee bin Logo

In line with our ISO 14001:2015 accreditation Boston Limited supports the reuse and recycling of WEEE as there are several environmental benefits of doing so, including

  • Reduction of raw material and energy usage;
  • prevention of landfill;
  • prevention of hazardous and/or toxic materials present in some WEEE contaminating the environment.

As a B2B Producer under the UK WEEE Regulations Boston Limited allows for end users of the EEE placed on the market in the UK to return WEEE back to us free of charge on a like-for-like basis for new EEE purchased. Such WEEE can be returned to Boston Limited, Unit 5 Curo Park, Hertfordshire. A request for return must be made and approved before the WEEE can be returned.

If you would prefer us to collect your WEEE from your premises, please contact us as there will be a transport charge for such WEEE from your premises and delivery of such WEEE to an Approved Authorised Treatment Facility (AATF). The charge will only cover the cost of transportation and handling and will not include any cost in relation to the treatment or reprocessing of WEEE as defined by the Regulations.

Alternatively, there is a network of recycling centres across the UK where consumers of WEEE can also take WEEE free of charge to be discarded, reused and/or recycled. The complete list of locations can be found at: www.recyclenow.com


Cyber Essentials 


The UK Government and industry have worked together to produce a scheme designed to help UK organisations improve their defences and demonstrate publicly their commitment to cyber security. As a set of baseline technical controls, the Cyber Essentials scheme has a very wide audience. Organisations large and small, public, private and charitable can all benefit from the provisions set out in the scheme.

The Cyber Essentials scheme addresses the most common Internet-based threats to cyber security — particularly, attacks that use widely available tools and demand little skill.

The scheme considers these threats to be:

  • hacking — exploiting known vulnerabilities in Internet-connected devices, using widely available tools and techniques
  • phishing — and other ways of tricking users into installing or executing a malicious application
  • password guessing — manual or automated attempts to log on from the Internet, by guessing passwords

The Cyber Essentials scheme helps organisations to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data stored on devices which connect to the Internet. Such as:

  • desktop and laptop PCs
  • tablets and smartphones
  • all types of server and networking equipment

Cyber Essentials Plus Certificate: d421fd09-7ebe-48bd-9bb8-45e75e9ab41a


More information about Cyber Essentials 


Packaging Waste

NPWD Code: NPWD312354

The EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive addresses the management of packaging and packaging waste and to prevent or reduce its impact on the environment. The UK Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste) Regulations applies to businesses and organisations using packaging or selling packaged goods. Packaging is defined as any material used to hold, protect, handle, deliver and present goods.

As an obligated packaging producer under these Regulations, Boston Limited complies by being registered as a Member of the WastePack Compliance Scheme. [Click to enlarge certificate]



Batteries Registration Number: BPRN06332

The EU Batteries Directive covers the protection, preservation and improvement of the quality of the environment by minimising the negative impact of batteries and waste batteries. The UK Waste Batteries and Accumulators Regulations set out restrictions on the use of mercury and cadmium in new batteries, labelling requirements and removability of waste batteries from appliances.

As a producer of portable batteries under these Regulations, Boston Limited complies by registering with the Environmental Agency and submitting data of batteries placed on the UK market annually. 

Should you have any further queries about Boston's compliance and certifications please contact us

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To help our clients make informed decisions about new technologies, we have opened up our research & development facilities and actively encourage customers to try the latest platforms using their own tools and if necessary together with their existing hardware. Remote access is also available

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