Boston and Escape present creativity without boundaries at IP EXPO 2013!

Posted on 17 October, 2013

We have teamed up with our friends over at Escape Technology for this years IP EXPO to present an incredible live demo of the ultimate, seamless VDI experience, based on the industry-leading virtualisation and NVIDA GRID-certified platform Citrix XenDesktop.

Lee Danskin, Director of Technology at Escape Technology, is demonstrating the speed enhancing benefits of GPU acceleration on 3D animation software Autodesk Maya. The impressive thing though is not WHAT he's demonstrating, but HOW he's doing it...

Although we are presenting live from the Earls Court exhibition centre, The server is in fact running entirely from a datacentre in Enfield, north London! With the workload being handled by the system in the datacentre all users have to worry about is a monitor and a thin client. The thin client therefore acts as a high performance workstation sitting underneath your desk...minus the traditional cost and space implications!

Lee is demonstrating full control of the system, experiencing no limitations in terms of quality, speed and performance. A GPU acceleration environment in a busy exhibition centre in Central London? It's possible!

GRID technology also allows users to scale up and scale down quickly, plus you can rent the power you need when you need it. Creative projects can now happen quicker and at a lower operating cost than ever before thanks to GRID.

GRID boards feature NVIDIA Kepler architecture that, for the first time, allows hardware virtualisation of the GPU - improving user density while providing true PC performance and compatibility.

For more information on NVIDIA GRID please click here.

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